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MiMi Jefferson “Designed to LEAD”

MiMi Jefferson “Designed to LEAD”

  • Substantial's been telling stories since early 2012. Here's one from the archives.

On an average day, Mimi Jefferson is dealing with anything from student test scores and parent-teacher workshops, to fabric swatches and glue guns. The East Carolina University graduate is a woman of many talents, who spends her days working on her dreams as well as the dreams of others. Jefferson is the Director of the Martin Community Action, Inc. Head Start Program. The organization exists to serve the needs and well-being of young children, in collaboration with their families and their respective communities. The program stresses the importance of ensuring that there are positive influences in every area of young children’s lives; holding on to the belief that early positive development is the key to success. Aside from her 9-5 job, Jefferson also runs JGirls, a Style Solutions company with her sister and best friend Tonya.

As the oldest of three children, Jefferson naturally had an innate desire to care for others. With busy working parents, it was her job to help take care of her siblings after school and during the summer. She worked tirelessly to ensure that her siblings followed the direction of their parents and followed her natural ability to lead. It was no surprise that her upbringing would lead her to a career in education. “I’ve always wanted to be a teacher, to help others to learn and do more,“ says Jefferson of her career choice. Working in the field of Early Education has given her “an avenue to allow my creativity to flow, to nurture my need to impact the lives of others”. Jefferson laughs coyly as she recalls how her sister often referred to her as her “Summer Camp Counselor”. Transitioning over from the classroom to the Head Start program was the perfect choice to allow her to work on its component of family engagement and community involvement. The program allows for parents and children to thrive despite their circumstances. It gives them resources for educational, mental health, and nutritional well-being. Jefferson says that the program is essential because it also reminds parents of their role as their child’s first teacher and leader in their own home.

In 2014 Jefferson was nominated and selected as one of the state’s Special Projects Interns for the NC Head Start State Collaboration Office. Interns for the program are selected from a pool of candidates who have shown exemplary community leadership and program development. During her time as a state selected intern, Jefferson co-authored a brief entitled “Unlocking the Mystery of C.L.A.S.S.” which is available to all Head Start & Early Head Start programs across the State. When asked about her biggest challenge as an educator, Jefferson says that a lot of times funding can be a hurdle in delivering the best possible care and resources. She says that it is essential to advocate for the importance of early education in order to ensure that adequate funding is available for services for the less fortunate.

Blending her 9-5 efforts with that of her company JGirls has not been as difficult as it may seem. Jefferson’s passion and creativity for improving the lives of others in the educational realm very easily spills over into her style services. The JGirls motto is to “strive to empower individuals to tap into that seed of greatness within and allow it to burst forth outwardly in the way you dress, carry yourself (respectfully, professionally, morally), interactions, communication, etc. We use simple tips that make a lasting impression”. The common thread between Jefferson’s day job and her position with JGirls is assisting others to reach another level of success. The company is constantly expanding, with both sisters having dabbled in event design and décor, wedding planning, and home décor for over 15 years. Today JGirls services clients nationwide providing hands on personalized projects, as well as style workshops locally and as far as Baton Rouge Louisiana. They also offer furniture redesign and personal shopping services. Jefferson says that the company is a Divine Mission which allows her to fulfill her purpose of touching lives in various ways. The best part about the job is working alongside her sister and best friend to create new projects.

Jefferson believes in the mantra that “When you really want something, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”. She is a firm believer that she has aligned herself with what God wants her to do. And with that type of reassurance, the positive effects of her efforts are sure to explode. Jefferson says that she trusts that her faith will guide her business in the right direction and allow JGirls to expand into numerous markets.

When asked what makes her Substantial, Jefferson remarks, “I’m a small-town girl with a global mentality! I truly believe in the power of confidence, positive energy & simple daily affirmations.

My favorite quote, which I believe speaks to a divine mission, “go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you’ve imagined.”

Simply stated in Mimi J style…“Go! Do! BE!”

By: Evelyne Del Billingslea
Contributing Writer

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