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How Substantial Media of North Carolina amplifies positive voices within the Black community

How Substantial Media of North Carolina amplifies positive voices within the Black community

In Case You Missed It! Substantial was featured in Better News

Originally published in Better News March 2023

Here’s an idea to steal and adapt: Create an online subscription-based platform that produces editorial content focused on amplifying positive stories within the Black community, raising awareness regarding relevant issues that affect the community at the local, state and national level.

This is a series on Better News to a) showcase innovative/experimental ideas that emerge from the Knight-Lenfest Newsroom Initiative and b) share replicable tactics that benefit the news industry as a whole. This “win” comes from Greg Hedgepeth, president and CEO of Substantial Media LLC. Substantial participated in the UNC-Knight Foundation Table Stakes program in 2021-22.

Greg Hedgepeth (center) joins Table Stakes colleagues Erica Perel (from left), Chrissy Beck, Courtney Mitchell, Les High and Kyle Villemain, in a panel conversation about collaborations. (Myron B. Pitts/The Fayetteville Observer)

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