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Substantial participates in virtual internship initiative with District C and UNC-Chapel Hill

Substantial participates in virtual internship initiative with District C and UNC-Chapel Hill

  • The below information is from the District C e-newsletter and Innovate Carolina story by Shellie Edge

“Revolutionizing the college internship with UNC Chapel Hill”

Substantial magazine had the opportunity to participate in a first-of-its-kind internship pilot in partnership with District C and UNC-Chapel Hill. 

The following insert is from District C: “40 rising college seniors and MBA students from the Shuford Program in Entrepreneurship and Kenan-Flagler Business School spent 8 weeks working in teams to solve problems for 10 local businesses. District C administered the experience and coached student teams. 

This pilot inspired UNC’s Innovate Carolina team to ask: “Are virtual internships the new internship?” Read the full article here.  

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