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Substantial Magazine Named Media Sponsor for 2020 Heart Of A Woman Conference

Substantial Magazine Named Media Sponsor for 2020 Heart Of A Woman Conference

Annual conference sponsored by the Women’s Business Center of Charlotte on October 21st & 22nd

[Charlotte, NC] Substantial Magazine announces their role as an official media sponsor for the 2020 Heart Of A Woman Conference. The two day virtual conference is hosted by the Women’s Business Center of Charlotte and is designed to provide a holistic view of personal and professional development for women business owners by providing solutions to enhance confidence, knowledge, marketing strategies, and skills to build relationships to ultimately grow and scale. 

The Women’s Business Center of Charlotte has successfully hosted the interactive conference since 2017. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization has moved to a virtual platform and will be held on October 21st and 22nd. The conference comprises four track model sessions: Entrepreneur, Lifestyle Mind & Body, Professional Development, and Industry, that gives women the power to walk away inspired by the connections and  resources to effectively leverage and fulfill their vision. The theme of the conference is UNAPOLOGETIC; focusing on empowering women to let go of the constructs that  obstruct their vision and purpose. The conference website says “With all the setbacks, we will still move forward and we will do it graciously.  Therefore, we are unapologetic about the way we will conduct our businesses, see ourselves, and fulfill our dreams”. 

The mission of Substantial has always been to amplify and uplift stories of influential minorities. The Women’s Business Center of Charlotte is a pillar of growth and opportunity for women business owners in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area. The state run agency empowers women with the tools needed to establish businesses, stabilize their companies, generate sustainable profits, strategize for future growth, and contribute in the growth and economic development of the community. Serving as a media sponsor for their annual conference allows the growing nonprofit to expand its influence and serve more members of their state and local communities. 

We look forward to sharing information on the dynamic host of speakers and workshop presenters, as well as additional resources available through the Women’s Business Center. For more information on the conference and to register, please visit the conference website at


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About Substantial Magazine: Substantial magazine is produced and published by Substantial Media, LLC. The editorial focus promotes influential and affluent minorities, spotlighting their successes while amplifying the positive stories within black and brown communities. Substantial magazine also raises awareness regarding relevant issues that directly affect black and brown communities. 


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