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More Than $1 Million in New Grants Will Help Organizations in 11 States Support Victims of Hate-Crimes, Strengthen Communities

More Than $1 Million in New Grants Will Help Organizations in 11 States Support Victims of Hate-Crimes, Strengthen Communities

Community-Based Projects in California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, West Virginia and Wisconsin Awarded Grants

San Francisco, California — A nail salon collaborative. A Hmoob (Hmong) community group. A mental health service provider. They are among the 11 state and local community-based groups selected to receive grants of $50,000 – $125,000 to serve and support victims of hate crimes in their communities. These new Community IMPACT sites, announced by FUTURES WITHOUT VIOLENCE today, will promote awareness, healing, reconciliation, and access to resources and services for people affected by hate crimes. The funding is provided through a cooperative agreement between FUTURES and the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office for Victims of Crime. The opinions expressed in this press release are those of FUTURES.

With hate crimes on the rise, these organizations will develop innovative approaches and strategies to address and prevent hate in their communities and help survivors heal. Hate crimes are those in which the perpetrator selects the victim based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, perceived immigration status, ancestry, religion or age.

“We could not be more excited about the 11 grantees we are announcing today,” said FUTURES President and Founder Esta Soler. “They are remarkable organizations led by people who understand the imperative to stop hate and help people heal. We know each of them will identify strategies, approaches and models that will be help people and communities heal from hate and trauma. We look forward to working closely with each of them to develop impactful, replicable ways to make communities stronger and safer.”

The Community IMPACT sites receiving the 12- to 18-month grants are:

  • The California Healthy Nail Salon Collaborative in Oakland, California, which will partner with Black Women for Wellness to develop healing programming and strengthen solidarity among Vietnamese & Black women survivors of hate crimes.
  • Voices Unidas for Justice in Colorado Springs, which will develop a grassroots-informed social media outreach and education campaign, train and coach individuals to answer a dedicated statewide helpline, equip peer supporters to accompany victims while making incident reports, and produce an informational pocket card for police departments and judicial districts.
  • In the Streets in Washington, D.C., which will extend holistic health, wellness, and workforce development services and supports to disrupt transgenerational trauma rooted in or intersecting with hate crimes.
  • New England Arab American Organization in Maine, which will enhance systemic responses for Arab American victims of hate crimes by building awareness, promoting healing, and providing avenues for reconciliation.
  • Michigan Organization on Adolescent Sexual Health, which will institute statewide, integrated youth-driven services and training to promote awareness of and healing from hate crimes targeting Michigan youth of color.
  • Reviving Roots Therapy and Wellness in Minneapolis, Minnesota, which will identify and provide ongoing services for individuals who experienced racial trauma and need mental health wellness services.
  • King Urban Life Center, Inc. in Buffalo, New York, which will extend social justice resources and healing programing to those in the Buffalo community most impacted by the hate-fueled Tops grocery store shooting.
  • Substantial Media LLC in Eastern North Carolina, which will produce an in-depth living history series of interviews with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) victims of hate crimes, create a traditional and digital media awareness campaign, and develop online tools for healing and resource mapping.
  • NAACP Unit 3176 in Cleveland, Ohio, which will stand up “Chocolate-City: The Healing Project” to strengthen the community’s capacity to serve and support Black victims of hate crimes through an awareness-raising campaign, educational sessions, and a community summit.
  • Cia Siab, Inc. in La Crosse, Wisconsin, which will educate the Hmoob (Hmong) community about hate crimes and enhance responses through accessible reporting tools, trainings for service providers, and improved coordination with health and legal services.
  • Eastern Panhandle Empowerment Center in Martinsburg, West Virginia, which will use advocacy and hyperlocal empathy and awareness-building initiatives to create sustainable, systemic change.

“We received more than 80 applications for these grants, which speaks to the enormous need for this

work,” said Aaron Polkey, associate director and senior attorney for learning and leadership at FUTURES. “The grantees we are announcing today are developing powerful, creative, and tremendously promising strategies to stop hate crimes and help individuals and communities heal. We are thrilled to be able to support their work.”

FUTURES will administer the project, facilitating education sessions and information exchanges and providing technical assistance to the Community IMPACT sites for the duration of the project.

See original press release

See Also

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FUTURES WITHOUT VIOLENCE is an international nonprofit health and social justice organization providing groundbreaking programs, policies, and campaigns that empower individuals and organizations working to end violence against women and children around the world, help individuals and communities heal, and prevent violence before it happens. For more than 40 years, we have worked to transform social norms, training professionals such as health providers, judges, educators, and athletic coaches on improving responses to violence and abuse. We also work with advocates, policy makers, creative artists, and others to build sustainable community leadership and educate people everywhere about respect and healthy relationships. For more information, visit

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