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Black Indians NC Hosts First Powwow for People of Black and Native American Ancestry

Black Indians NC Hosts First Powwow for People of Black and Native American Ancestry

On September 25, 2021, Black Indians NC hosted the first powwow in North Carolina with a focus on African American and Native American people. The powwow was virtual due to increased cases of Covid-19 in the Triangle area of North Carolina.

To view the virtual powwow click below:

Black Indians NC started as a social media platform but is now a newly founded nonprofit organization based in North Carolina. The mission of the organization is to focus on the historical and present day history, culture, and service of people of African American and Native American ancestry from North Carolina. 

Black Indians NC is a service-based nonprofit organization. In the beginning of the pandemic, Black Indians NC donated over 400 cleaning supplies to the Haliwa-Saponi Tribe and Meherrin Indian Nation.

Black Indians NC is awarding two scholarships to currently enrolled college students in North Carolina. Click the link to apply:

See Also

“I created Black Indians NC to increase cultural awareness and visibility of Black and Native American people from North Carolina. I wanted to create a nonprofit organization that focuses on serving communities across the state of North Carolina and increase education about an often less spoken community”. – Founder, Kimberly M. Knight, MSW, LCSWA

Black Indians NC is currently filming a documentary with History Before Us and Cherokees for Black Indian History Preservation called “Duality: A Collection of Afro Indigenous Perspectives”. Click below to see the film teaser.

Stay Connected : @BlackIndiansNC – Facebook and Instagram

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