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Travel Is…

Travel Is…

  • Substantial's been telling stories since early 2012. Here's one from the archives.

Representing the largest industry in the world, travel and tourism has become a hot topic. Each year the U.S. Travel Association dedicates one week in May to celebrate National Travel and Tourism Week (May 2-10, 2015). This year their goal is to have participants share what travel means to them. At Substantial, we knew exactly who to ask…YOU and boy did you deliver! The figure below represents your responses to the statement “Travel is…”

Leading the list of themes for what travel is includes: experience, relaxing, and necessary; freedom and fun round out the top 5. I couldn’t agree more. Travel has been a common practice in my life for years; I couldn’t imagine life without it. Reflecting on the top three words, this piece pulls from pieces of my travel journeys throughout the years.

Travel is experience.

“I want to make memories all over the world” is one of my favorite quotes. For me, travel has served as a way to “find myself” while understanding the world around me. From building sandcastles on family vacations to Myrtle Beach, standing on the same white sand as Boys to Men in their Water Runs Dry video, or touring Booker T. Washington’s home in Alabama, I always seem to experience a good mix of facts and fun! Experiences like climbing the stairs of the Eiffel Tower or getting kissed on the cheek by a sea lion will forever be etched in my mind.

Travel is relaxing. The responsibilities of adulthood can sometimes cause us to forget that “me time” is a must. One of my most vivid memories of vacation relaxation was a recent trip to Nuevo Vallarta Mexico. Upon entering my 1400 square foot condo, I knew immediately that the phrase diamonds are a girl’s best friend must have been created after a stay at the Marival Residences Luxury Resort. This four-diamond resort was the perfect summer getaway. The all-inclusive plan provided my friends and I with anything we could think of and much more. The ease of having all of our meals, specialty beverages, and transportation taken care of made for a worry-free week. The exclusive VIP beach club was the perfect place to have a beachside snack (guacamole was my personal favorite) or drift away to the sound of the waves. I indulged in both! The winding infinity pool and separate hot tub area were also on my list of favorite locations around the resort. As promised on their website, the staff made sure guests left their worries at home by providing stellar service and (for those who took the time) insights into life in Mexico.

Travel is necessary. Recent statistics from Oxford Economics states that the travel and tourism industry accounted for $7 trillion in 2013and for 266 million jobs. Travel is indeed necessary. In addition to the economic benefits, travel also helps debunk misconceptions like France having an endless supply of croissants or Italy owning the market on Italian dressing—by the way; they had no idea what Italian dressing was. It is the perfect opportunity for cultural exchange. In fact, one of my city tour guides in Mexico shared that the reason he chose this profession was because he loves sharing his country with other people. It goes without saying that travel means many things to many people. I encourage you, the minority traveler, to spread your wings-visit a new destination, try a new activity while on vacation, and most importantly share your experiences with others. Join me in making memories all over the world and defining what travel is to you.

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