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Substantial Man of the Issue – Mr. Roger Keyes Jr.

Substantial Man of the Issue – Mr. Roger Keyes Jr.

  • Substantial's been telling stories since early 2012. Here's one from the archives.

Substantial and on a mission

Age: 29
Education: BS Industrial Distribution &
MBA HR Management (2014)
Hometown: Goldsboro, NC
Marital Status: Single

SM: Tell Substantial who Roger Keyes Jr. is?

Roger: Roger Keyes is a reliable, humble and funny guy. I am easy going, laid back and enjoy the simple things in life. Spending time with family and friends is very important to me, cultivating those relationships is a vital part of who I am. I am a son, brother, father and uncle as well as a proud member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated. As the oldest of four, I make every effort to set a good example for my siblings to follow. My beliefs are that every man and woman should be afforded the basic necessities to live a normal life.

SM: Tell us about a significant accomplishment?

Roger: I began a career in mentoring with ReStart Behavioral Health and since then have mentored young troubled kids throughout the community. Mentoring has an impact not only on the child but on the family as a unit. The parents of a child I mentored continue to keep in contact, informing me of his progress.

SM: You mentioned a current project you are working on can you share with our readers?

Roger: Yes, I along with a few other partners have teamed up to create a behavioral healthcare program called Trinity Behavioral Healthcare. The core goal of our program is the promotion of independent living for persons with significant mental illness or substance abuse problems. Our practice strives to prevent unnecessary institutional placements. The objective is to provide individuals with the necessary assistance to become productive citizens who are integrated into the community. Another project that I am apart of along with four other team members is The Silent Majority. This is a lifestyle company that provides marketing events for progressive individuals including events, concerts, and community service.

SM: Roger what’s your take on success?

Roger: In my opinion there is not one certain meaning of success; however I believe success can simply be defined as a triumph over any opposition, barrier or obstacle of life.

SM: Tell our readers why you are substantial.

Roger: Substantial is defined as making you feel full and satisfied. I gain the most satisfaction as a loving father to my daughter Amaya E. Keyes. She is a smart, beautiful, and creative individual with a sweet spirit and a kind heart. I am also satisfied with the choice I made not to stress about, but overcome my struggles with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). New technologies are opening doors every day allowing individuals to live a normal, active life.

SM: Keep up with our Substantial Man of the Issue at:

Twitter: @IAMRogerKeyes

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