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The Black Wealth Initiative

The Black Wealth Initiative

In the early 1900s there was a huge migration of progressive black families who made the shift and relocated to Harlem NY. This period of transition sparked a revolution that included arts, entertainment, culture, and business. This cultural mecca became known as the Harlem Renaissance. It continually holds the candle as a symbol of pride for black culture in America. The Harlem Renaissance gave us people like W.E.B. Dubois and Madam C.J. Walker. It created a standard of excellence that provided a blueprint for economic power in the black community. 

Fast forward to 2020 and we are seeing the buzzwords of diversity and inclusion as they pertain to black and brown advancement. While many companies have created marketing campaigns that advocate for equality and purpose-driven leadership, many are finding out that their sentiments fall short of creating meaningful relationships. In response to the lack of true diversity initiatives, black business owners are now committed to creating and sustaining their own businesses that will not only put food on the table but also create generational wealth. 

In the latest issue of Substantial, we highlight just a few of the black business owners that are paving the way for a new standard of excellence in the black community. 

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