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The Black Lens Symposium

The Black Lens Symposium

“A man without knowledge of himself and his heritage is like a tree without roots.” — Dick Gregory

On Saturday, February 01 Substantial Magazine, with the help of Hindsight Consulting, Inc., and the Community Investment Network kicked off Black History Month by creating a space where we celebrated our history and empowered every person in the room to find unique ways to continue to write it. On Saturday we created a space where the “sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of others, of measuring one’s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity…” did not apply.

We created a space that tested those great words and the philosophy of W.E.B Du Bois. We indeed created a moment in history where the duality and double-consciousness of black people became secondary to the greater thoughts and conversations regarding our divine and substantial purpose.

The Black Lens Symposium: “I AM therefore We ARE” took place on the NC State’s Centennial Campus in the James B. Hunt, Jr. Library. The symposium was a series of panel conversations round black duality, black centricity, black history, black reciprocity and the future of being black in America through the lens of African American Men. The event focused on examining, exploring, articulating, and most importantly developing strategies to ensure that black males are receiving all they need to thrive. The event while geared primarily toward young men at the high school/collegiate level, also attracted professionals from a variety of spaces to include community, business, education, government, philanthropy and non-profit. All where welcomed!

A special thank you to Substantial Magazine, Hindsight Consulting, Inc., The Community Investment Network, the North Carolina Community Foundation, 5 Prime Media Group, Capital Broadcasting Company, Inc., and Choice Insurance Service, Inc. for their support.  The below photography was provided by Dalvin Nichols | 8-Bit Photography | Instagram: @8bit.photog | Facebook: @8bitphotography256

See Also

We can’t wait until February 2021!

Greg Hedgepeth
President & Editor-in-Chief
Substantial Magazine

See photography from the Black Lens Symposium! 

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