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Substantial Student Scholarship Recipient Raven Hamilton

Substantial Student Scholarship Recipient Raven Hamilton

President & CEO Greg Hedgepeth presents the Substantial Student Scholarship Award to Raven Hamilton on the campus of Shaw University.

2021 Substantial Scholarship goes to Shaw University student Raven Hamilton

A Substantial student is one that excels both in and outside the classroom. Their commitment to excellence is unwavering and their aspirations fuel their actions. They represent the best within our communities and are the result of what happens when our culture is given access and opportunity.

Our Substantial Scholarship recipients are “Of considerable importance, size, and worth, strongly built and made”. Their story is one of trial and triumph, test and testimony. They are resilient and determined. They are Substantial and so is their purpose.

 “The Substantial brand is about so much more than just storytelling, we want to ensure our community and the young people within it are not only informed and empowered, we want to ensure we’re able to provide resources that help them live out their Substantial purpose,” says Greg Hedgepeth, President and CEO of Substantial Magazine. At the end of each Academic year Substantial will recognize one deserving BIPOC student from a North Carolina HBCU whose story and academic achievements meet our award requirements. This $1,000 award is given on an objective and nondiscriminatory basis. Excellent metrics considered include prior academic performance, recommendations, a short essay submission, and financial needs.

“While we know there are so many who are worthy of this honor, we can only award one recipient,” says Hedgepeth. The Substantial Scholarship is an extension of the connection that the organization has established in the past within the community. This has become increasingly important over the past year when so many have not only been disconnected from their community, but also suffered a variety of hardships and setbacks. Raven Hamilton embodies the spirit of a resilient student who is deserving of the Substantial Scholarship. 

This year’s 2021 Substantial Scholarship goes to Raven Hamilton.

Raven is a junior at Shaw University studying Psychology. She is a member of several student organizations such as the university choir, art club, and psychology club. “Shaw University is a Historically Black College and University steeped with a rich history and great achievements. Attending Shaw U has had great benefits but did not come without its sacrifices. When the pandemic started, I encountered financial hardships but my willingness to succeed and my “go-getter” attitude has kept me grounded and focused on obtaining my goals even more.” 

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In addition to her academic and social obligations, she is also a Peer Orientation Mentor. In this role Raven assists incoming freshmen by offering campus tours, answering questions, and providing guidance on ways to make the most of the college experience. Attending Shaw University was her first step in reaching her goal of being a mental health professional. 

Through the unique educational opportunities, Shaw University is providing along with aspirations of furthering my studies abroad I know I will make great strides in helping people like my father overcome mental disparities,” said Raven.

For more information on Substantial Media and its community-focused initiatives, please contact our President and CEO Greg Hedgepeth at

Shaw University, located in Raleigh, North Carolina is the first historically Black institution of higher education in the South and among the oldest in the nation.
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