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Substantial Receives the LMA Digital Innovation Award

Substantial Receives the LMA Digital Innovation Award

Local Media Association is the only organization that brings all media together for the purpose of sharing, networking, collaborating and more. 

Substantial Magazine receives the distinguished award for excellence in serving underrepresented communities.

Substantial Magazine is proud to announce that it is a recipient of the 2020 Local Media Association’s Digital Innovation Award. The contest recognizes and awards accolades to the best in local media around the country in 15 different categories. The LMA brings together the most progressive and forward thinking in the media industry, and the Digital Innovation Award is considered a highly competitive contest. 

Members of the LMA are collectively focused on transforming traditional media companies by embracing new technology and ideas. Substantial Magazine is proud to have received 2nd place for Best Service to Diverse Audiences, Sponsored by Google News Initiative. This distinguished award goes to organizations who serve underrepresented audiences and communities of color. These organizations have shown a long term commitment to representing diverse communities. 

From the LMA Judges : Substantial created a central location to answer readers’ questions about COVID-19, provided help in accessing medical care, and told stories of those who had been infected. It was a very easy-to-use, clear and concise resource. I also liked their page where readers could check if they’re registered to vote and see pertinent numbers related to the election. They showed that they not only cover Black and Brown communities but help them access the information and resources they need. 

June 2020 Issue of Substantial Magazine

Over the past year Substantial has stayed committed to its mission of educating, informing and empowering Black and Brown communities within the state of North Carolina. Initiatives have included digital issues with information dedicated to educating the public on the Covid-19 pandemic. In a partnership with one of the state’s leading health organizations, Vidant hospital, the Vidant Verified Series provided a trusted hub for health and wellness information. In addition to campaigns like this, Substantial has also been a large part of shining the light on racial injustice and voting rights by participating in the When We All Vote Campaign and hosting online events such as The Black Lens Symposium and The Lens Refocused

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In a world full of digital content that has increased dramatically over the past year, Substantial is proud to be a part of purpose driven content that transforms the landscape of black media. 
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