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Words from the Editor-in-Chief

Words from the Editor-in-Chief

  • Substantial's been telling stories since early 2012. Here's one from the archives.


I start this letter off as I do most with a heartfelt thank you. There would be no Substantial Magazine if we did not have readers and views like yourself, that enjoy reading about the successes of great people within our community.

That same heartfelt thank you goes out to those featured in this issue and to those that have e-mailed me, called, texted, and/or sent word through others that, they too have a substantial story to be told. Again I thank you because you are my inspiration.

I assure you I’m not just saying that to be saying it. Take a moment and think about the word…

Inspiration: something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create: a force or influence that inspires someone.

You all are my something that makes me want to continue to seek out stories, take photos, attend events, spend hours upon hours in front of my computer and on the phone; turn a 24 hour day into 27 just to ensure I have enough time to get whatever is needed to be done – done.

This is why I thank you, not so much for what you have and/or have not done physically but simply because you have given value to Substantial Magazine. For me, that is why you; our supporters, our features, our people are my inspiration to continue this very Substantial project.

“We are substantial and so is our purpose.”

“For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.” Luke 12:12

Twitter: @GregWho
Instagram: mrsubstantial2u

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