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You Can’t Judge A Book By Its Cover

You Can’t Judge A Book By Its Cover

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A Substantial Conversation with Mrs. Diane Taylor

Name: Diane N. Taylor
Age: 38
Education: MA, Technical Professional Communications ECU 2006, BS Broadcast Journalism, Morgan State University 98’
Hometown: Utica, NY
Marital Status: Happily Married to Garrett T. Taylor

If there were ever a cliché that fit perfectly for one woman, it would be the saying “You can’t judge a book by its cover”. Diane Taylor is multi-dimensional, energetic, and full of surprises. She is every bit the modern-day woman, yet very traditional in terms of family. The Utica NY native and mother of two is taking her experiences as a wife, business owner, and domestic violence survivor and pouring her energy into her newest business venture, Taylor Made Publishing Company. Taylor talks with Substantial Magazine about her motivation for starting Taylor Made, and how she juggles managing the constant growth of the company.

Evelyne: Who is Diane Taylor?
Diane: I’m a wife, a mother, and an entrepreneur. I’m a Christian, a go-getter, and authentic.

Evelyne: What is your take on success?
Diane: I believe success is relative, in the eye of the beholder if you will. I measure my success daily because it’s setting a goal and reaching it and setting another one, it’s being able to re-invent yourself. It’s living your life like its golden. It’s playing the best hand possible with the cards you were dealt with, with the understanding that you have the power to throw it in and get all new cards.

Evelyne: Tell us about Taylor Made Publishing?
Diane: TMP is a full-service book publishing company that specializes in helping steer authors from manuscript to print. We offer everything from the cover design to copyright to ISBNs. Our job is to help everyday people tell extraordinary stories.

Evelyne: What was your motivation for starting this business?
Diane: I co-authored A Game of Faith – The Story of Negro League Baseball Player Carl Long and decided to self-publish. The task was daunting and tedious, but necessary. It wasn’t until I was faced with it that I realized that God had prepared me with a unique set of skills that I could use to help other authors have a voice. I truly believe that every person has a story that deserves to be told. We have so many talented writers in our community with few outlets willing to gamble on their success.

Evelyne: Who motivates you in your business and professional life?
Diane: Of course, I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. However, God also sent me a helpmate that has been my cheerleader here on earth since we met. My husband has always encouraged me to dream, live, plan, and create and he’s always been right there to make sure I don’t fall. I might stumble, but he won’t let me fall and that’s priceless. Professionally, I am motivated by my authors, my family, and my friends. I want my authors to reach their goals. I want my family to be healthy and happy and I want my friends to know they are loved and appreciated.

Evelyne: What has been the toughest challenge so far in your business?
Diane: I’ve had the pleasure of watching my husband run a successful business of his own for over 15 years. It afforded me an opportunity to learn a lot from the sidelines. One of the things I knew for sure going in is that I did not want to start my business in debt. I didn’t want to use business loans. That meant using my own savings for start-up. I’m glad I’ve been able to do that, but initial capital has been my toughest challenge.

Evelyne: Are there any current projects you are working on that you would like to share with our readers?
Diane: In addition to the four books we have already published we have three others that will be out before the end of April. I am proud of all of our books and our authors, but I am really excited about our first children’s book In My Eyes, by Monique Curry. As a mother of two small children, I just know the importance of positive age-appropriate stories.

Evelyne: Do you find it harder being a female minority business owner? How do you balance being a business owner, wife, and parent?
Diane: Truthfully, I don’t feel it harder to be a female minority business owner, but I do feel obligated to set a good example to all the Sistas watching and that keeps me on my toes. I am dedicated to helping people find their passion and living without fear. I am in such a great mental place with my business because I know it’s exactly where and what I am destined to do and I have found no greater joy than that. I really want that feeling for everyone.

I struggle with balance sometimes. Juggling a business, successful marriage and babies ain’t no joke. The key for me has been scheduling, tons of family and friend support, and lots of prayers. Once I relinquished “the all things have to be perfect” mindset and decided to trust that the people around me will help me when I need and ask for it, I was good. At the end of the day, I assess where I may have fallen short and if the good Lord sees fit, I vow to do and be better the next day. I really try to prioritize my faith, my marriage, my babies, and then my business, and in that order.

Evelyne: If you could change one thing in this world what would it be?
Diane: This is tough for me because I truly believe that all things happen as they should. We live in an imperfect world with imperfect people and when things seem dark, I am comfortable knowing the Master’s plan is unfolding. My peace comes from knowing that I surrender my destiny to God.

Evelyne: What do you do for fun?
Diane: I absolutely, positively love to travel. I love to totally immerse myself in a different culture, learn how other people live and witness pieces of the world that God created. I also love being with my family, seeing my children run, jump, play and dance warms my heart.

Evelyne: Name something you can’t live without?
Diane: The three Fs: Faith, Family, and Friendships.

Evelyne: What’s something you live by?
Diane: “Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.” Abraham Lincoln.

Evelyne: Briefly tell our readers why you are substantial?
Diane: I am substantial because I refuse to just take up space in this world. I am dedicated to leaving an imprint. I am dedicated to improving the space around me. I am substantial because I believe that each of us has the innate power to live, be, and love. I am substantial because God says so.

Evelyne: Is there anything else you would like our readers to know about Diane Taylor?
Diane: I come from very humble beginnings. I grew up in a housing project in Upstate New York. I’ve lived through a physically abusive relationship, being raised by a single mother and the list goes on and on. Through all of that, I defied what some said I wouldn’t do or couldn’t do. I’ve had a lot of firsts in my life. I was the first Black Miss Greater Utica. I was the youngest and highest-ranking African American in a County Executive position where I grew up. I’ve worked hard my entire life. While it’s true nothing worth having is free, it’s also true that this life has little to do with where you’re from and everything to do with where you intend to go.

Evelyne: You can connect with Diane and Taylor Made Publishing on Social Media at:
twitter – tmadepublishing
website –

Although still in its infancy stage, Taylor Made publishing has already made a huge splash into the pool of literary success. The company has provided a platform for talented authors, and a medium of inspiration for local residents in Eastern NC and beyond. Taylor and her team have enjoyed several successful book launches since its inception, and most recently began a book tour with the book ‘A Game of Faith- The Story of Negro League Baseball Player Carl Long’. While many women would balk at the idea of wholeheartedly jumping into a new career path with two young children and a husband who is also an entrepreneur, Taylor embraces the challenge. She straps on her stilettos, powers up her laptop, and she sets the world on fire. There is no doubt that this woman is bound to make an international success out of Taylor Made Publishing.

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