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Pre-election Report Identifies Seven Major Forces Reshaping the U.S. Economy

Pre-election Report Identifies Seven Major Forces Reshaping the U.S. Economy

  • This content was provided from the Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise at UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School via Press Release. Contact: MacKenzie Babb, Kenan Institute External Affairs Director, for more information.

Join the Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise and the North Carolina CEO Leadership Forum September 22 for the launch of a new report examining the state of our national economy – and exploring its future.

The economy continues to rank as voters’ top issue leading up to the historic 2020 U.S. presidential election – coming as no surprise given the ongoing recession and unprecedented economic turmoil driven by COVID-19.

But as we begin to see some indicators rebound and others stagnate, what is the true state of the economy – and what should our elected officials and other leaders be doing to improve it?

Seven Forces Reshaping the Economy, a new report issued by the Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise in partnership with the North Carolina CEO Leadership Forum, explores the economic challenges and opportunities facing our nation amid and beyond the pandemic.

With a clear understanding that there will be no return to “business as usual,” the report offers new findings and pragmatic solutions for decision-makers navigating the following critical trends:

  • Changes in work, travel and migration patterns
  • Accelerating shifts toward on-demand and at-home retail
  • On-shoring and widening of supply chains
  • Renewed focus on diversity and dismantling systemic racism
  • Upending of education and childcare
  • Shocks to healthcare and pharmaceutical demand
  • Risk assessment by capital providers

The report launch will culminate in a press briefing held via webinar Tuesday, September 22, at 11 a.m. EDT featuring the following panel of experts:

  • DeLisa Alexander, Executive Vice President and Chief People Officer, Red Hat
  • Professor Greg Brown, Executive Director, Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise
  • David Carroll, Founder, Carroll Family Holdings
  • Professor Jim Johnson, Director, Urban Investment Strategies Center, UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School
  • James Rosen, CEO, Artizan Biosciences

Each speaker will provide a brief overview from his or her respective area of expertise, citing applicable emerging research and data, before the floor is opened for questions from the press. You’re invited to join via webinar (details below):

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Sep 22, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Seven Forces Press Briefing

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
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Webinar ID: 982 1755 5487
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Seven Forces Shaping the Economy will be a living document, with each trend updated weekly, and will be available on the Kenan Institute website at It will be shared with members of the press at 8 a.m. Monday, Sept. 21, 2020, under embargo until 5 a.m. ET on Tuesday, Sept. 22.

See Also

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About the Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise at UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School
The Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise develops and promotes innovative, market-based solutions to vital economic issues. With the belief that private enterprise is the cornerstone of a prosperous and free society, the institute fosters the entrepreneurial spirit to stimulate economic prosperity and improve the lives of people in North Carolina, across the country and around the world. Learn more at

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About the North Carolina CEO Leadership Forum
The mission of the N.C. CEO Leadership Forum is to provide private sector leaders with a voice in navigating the complex issues that North Carolina faces in restarting the state’s economy. The work of the forum is nonpartisan and data-driven by nature, leveraging a diverse group of business leaders and University of North Carolina faculty experts to develop actionable recommendations for the state’s leadership and the business community at-large. The ultimate goal of the forum is to promote the health and economic well-being of North Carolina’s citizens and to be a model of public-private cooperation for other states around the country. Learn more at

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