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Pirate Alumni Team Up to Honor Minority Community Leaders

Pirate Alumni Team Up to Honor Minority Community Leaders

September 25, 2019

Living up to the Pirate motto – Servire – “to serve,” through the honoring of those who have dedicated their lives to the service of others.  

GREENVILLE— For the past six years, Pirate Alumni Greg Hedgepeth, ’08 ’12 and Jermaine McNair,’16 have teamed up with the City of Greenville’s Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) Program during Minority Enterprise Development (MED) Week to celebrate the life and legacy of minority leaders in Eastern North Carolina through the Substantial Awards Ceremony.

The Substantial Awards aim to recognize the success and vitality of the minority community. This unique annual awards program was established specifically to acknowledge, encourage and celebrate excellence amongst the minority community by giving them the opportunity to gain valuable exposure and well-deserved recognition for their work in business and community. The awards show has honored the likes of Ms. Lucille W. Gorham, City Council member and Mayor Pro Tem Rose H. Glover, Pastor Rodney Coles, Sr., Juvencio Rocha-Peralta, William Joyner and many other extraordinary leaders.

“Oftentimes as leaders, business owners and community developers, we don’t get a chance to stop and pat ourselves on the back,” said Hedgepeth. “Honestly those who have dedicated themselves to service aren’t looking for recognition and their reward is the impact that they make. The Substantial Awards give both the community and those that serve it the chance to see in one centralized location all the great work that is being done to move the community forward.”  Hedgepeth is the President & Editor-in-Chief of Substantial Magazine and is one half of the Pirate duo that wanted to ensure minority success is being highlighted.

“This event brings together major local brands, area leaders, and hundreds of community members from all around to support and enjoy a night of dynamic performances, special guest presenters, and stories that inspire a deeper commitment to excellence in our communities,” said McNair. “This program, like many of the programs within NC Civil, strives to raise awareness of the incredible impact our minority community can have when we reach beyond ourselves to make a difference.” McNair is the Founder and Director of local non-profit NC Civil.

This year’s awards show is scheduled for Saturday, September 28 and will honor Ms. Joyce C. Jones, Founder of Life of NC, Travis Clemons with the Greenville Recreation and Parks Department, and Mr. James Edward Bridgers, a 100-year-old resident of the Town of Princeville who served on the Board of Commissioners for 20 years and was instrumental in the Town receiving running water and paved streets. The awards show will also highlight and honor the Town of Princeville, NC, for its place in history as the oldest town chartered by blacks in America, and the City of Greenville’s MWBE Program will honor its Standing on the Shoulders of Giants Award recipient, Mark S. Woodson, owner of the 5 Prime Media Group.

Event Details

Event:                          2019 Substantial Awards

Date:                            Saturday, September 28, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Location:                     Reimage Church, 3950 Victory Ln, Winterville, NC

For additional information regarding the 2019 Substantial Awards, please make all requests by email to Greg Hedgepeth, or phone 252.532.0367.

To see more details, visit:

See Also

About Substantial Magazine

Substantial Magazine, also referred to as Substantial, is a regional publication that originated in Greenville, NC. Substantial’s main focus is on the promotion of influential and affluent minorities, spotlighting their successes and discussing relevant issues that directly affect our communities.



NC CIVIL is your nonprofit community action group, specializing in outreach, citizen engagement, and partnership development for community-based initiatives.

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