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Making a Substantial Impact

Making a Substantial Impact

Host Donald Thompson with Greg Hedgepeth & Evelyne Del

One of the differentiators between good business and great business is being surrounded by people who can mentor you, share insight, and help you navigate an ever changing business world. Our team here at Substantial is lucky to have teamed up with Donald Thompson in an effort to grow our business. Thompson, CEO of Walk West and Co-Founder of The Diversity Movement is a mentor, investor, and thought leader. His recent investment in Substantial is not only financial, but also practical and purposeful. In this episode of his podcast, President Greg Hedgepeth and Editor in Chief Evelyne Del sit down with Thompson to discuss goal setting, motivation, business lessons, and the importance of a good team.

Check out the full episode on Thompson’s website

The Donald Thompson Podcast is edited and produced by Earfluence. For more on how to engage your community or build your personal brand through podcasting, visit

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