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Looking to the Future: Substantial Welcomes A New Editor-in-Chief, Evelyne Billingslea

Looking to the Future: Substantial Welcomes A New Editor-in-Chief, Evelyne Billingslea

Evelyne Billingslea

Evelyne Del Billingslea is no stranger to Substantial Magazine, having worked closely with President Greg Hedgepeth since the publication’s inception.

Nor is Evelyne a stranger to the job of Public Relations and storytelling. As an ambitious entrepreneur, Evelyne Del Billingslea founded Billingslea Media – now Del Consulting Group, a consulting agency that focuses on providing media-related services to small businesses and non-profit organizations. Specializing in communications strategies such as copywriting, marketing, PR, and event management, Evelyne has worked closely with clients to help enhance the vision for their business. This is exactly the type of work she has done to support Substantial magazine over the years, and we are so proud to be able to have her accept the role of Editor-in-Chief.

“I am so thrilled to have my friend, long time colleague and fellow Pirate Evelyne step into the role of Editor-in-Chief for Substantial magazine,” said Greg Hedgepeth, President and Former Editor-in-Chief. “Since day one of creating Substantial, Evelyne has been right there helping grow our reach and has shared the vision of Substantial becoming a well known regional and national brand.”

“Greg shared early in this journey that he wasn’t just creating a vehicle for himself, but a vehicle for the community,” said Evelyne Del Billingslea, Editor-in-Chief of Substantial. “I remember him mentioning that he wanted to have people in this vehicle better known as Substantial to be able to not only come along for the ride but be willing and ready to take over and drive. I’m just so excited that he has entrusted me with the keys.”

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As editor-in-chief Evelyne will manage and oversee the content produced for Substantial Magazine’s digital publication and website. She will be in charge of all content produced, be instrumental in developing strategies and style guidelines, and will represent the brand at social events throughout the year.

Greg Hedgepeth, while still having considerable involvement with the day-to-day editorial and operations, will begin to focus more on building the company’s infrastructure and finding unique ways to continue to position Substantial magazine as a black-owned and operated regional and national brand.

“Substantial’s main goal is ensuring that we tell the stories and amplify the voices of our minority community, said Greg. “It is my hope that everyone that engages with our platform understands that we are of considerable importance, size, and worth, that our community is strongly built and made. Simply put, We are Substantial and so is our purpose.”

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