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  • Substantial's been telling stories since early 2012. Here's one from the archives.

In a world where social technology can be found being utilized in almost every educational atmosphere, the need for applications that can better connect students to their coursework is steadily growing. Even with the demand high, rarely do you hear of students being the supplier of this need. All that could quite possibly change now.

Meet the Syllabeye team, a group of young scholars and educators from the Raleigh, NC area who have designed an application that may very well dramatically increase productivity for both students and educators for many years to come. We sat down with Co-Founder, Mr. Cameron Jennings, to get an insider’s perspective…

Q: Where did the concept for SyllabEye come from?

A: The idea for SyllabEye came about when my girlfriend introduced me to her friend’s boyfriend; Mikal Chavez. Mikal and I had the idea for SyllabEye separately but shared the same idea the day we met. We hit it off and became instant friends and knew that this idea was novel enough to pursue to bring to fruition. The idea stemmed from the common question; “How can I improve in school, stop missing assignments and prepare for tests better.

Q: What does SyllabEye do and what is the value in these new capabilities?

A: SyllabEye is the free app that allows students for the first time ever to capture a picture of their syllabi like a selfie to import all of the schedule information directly into their preferred iPhone or Android calendar so that they can be reminded of everything as much as they need to be. Very soon, users will be able to upload syllabi in the form of a screenshot or a document to the application. SyllabEye does all of this without any typing involved.

Q: Describe the dynamics of the Syllabeye team? What makes you all an effective team?

A: Our team consists of a strategic mix of highly motivated current undergraduate students, graduate students, and two fortune 100 professionals. Our team is effective because of our combined experiences, network, expertise and the advantage of being students allows us to give the students what they want and need. Our team is able to appeal to students, professors, and parents which is crucial to our success.

Q: Describe the business structure of SyllabEye and its parent and/or sister companies.

A: SyllabEye is a registered trademark of Chavez & Jennings Visions LLC. The Company consists of a CEO, CTO, CIO, Vp of Marketing, Design Team, Public Relations Director, and IMR (Internal Management Reporting). The Company began as a general partnership consisting of Mikal and I, April 2014, and evolved into a legal liability company (S Corp.) in August of 2014.

Q: If you and your team had an unlimited amount of capital and no budget restrictions, describe how the ideal SyllabEye office would be.

A: Such an office would populate at least 12 floors of an office building either existing or to be built downtown Raleigh, NC. This office would house our HQ, and all of the necessary space for departmental growth. We would like to model our workplace after Citrix (also downtown Raleigh). Citrix boasts an incredibly diverse and cooperative environment. A dream of ours would be to house our own R&D lab (research and development) where we can work on our top-secret projects that we hope to roll out within the upcoming years.

Q: Along the way, what has been the biggest business challenge thus far?

A: The biggest challenge initially was finding an idea that has no track record of previous sales. We completed our first round of funding in October of 2014. We are now preparing for the second round of funding to help us roll out SyllabEye to the entire country.

Q: What has been the biggest areas of personal growth since the initial launch?

A: Patience and leadership has been incredibly crucial to persevering through the process of taking a pre revenue Company (working for free) to finally turning a profit.

Q: Are there any companies or professionals that you and/or your team looks up to?

A: Yes, Vin McCaffrey, the CEO of Game Theory Group has inspired me as well as gave me some good direction early on in the endeavors when we could have given up. Game Theory Group works with student-athletes and employers. They help the athletes develop skills needed for their desired career field and help employers find valuable hires.

Q: 5 years from now, what do you intend for SyllabEye to look like?

A: Five years from now we envision SyllabEye to be used by students all over the world and available in several different languages. We want to continue to add adaptive features that strengthen students and their academic performance.

Q: Short Term Goals for SyllabEye?

A: To gain full adoption of our pilot program at East Carolina University and North Carolina State University. Full adoption entails all professors advocating for the use of SyllabEye and making their syllabus readily available to all students.

Q: Long Term Goals for SyllabEye?

A: To continue to add adaptive features to SyllabEye and truly help millions of students worldwide reach their goals.

Q: As a young minority college student, what advice can you offer up others who have aspirations to create and or innovate new technology?

A: You have an idea that YOU believe is worth pursuing, then don’t let the ‘how’s’ stop you. Experience, expertise, funding; all of these things seem like roadblocks to even starting a project, but with a good plan, you can find everything you don’t have. Always ask for advice, small business centers are here to help you for free.

Q: Finally, last but not least, what makes you SUBSTANTIAL?

A: I feel like I am substantial because no matter how large the opposition or objection is, I will find a way around whoever or whatever is in between me and my plan.

To Learn More about Syllabeye and the team behind this Substantial Story please visit/contact: – if interested in joining the team. – for info. 

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