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Substantial Woman of the Issue – Mrs. Evelyne Del Billingslea

Substantial Woman of the Issue – Mrs. Evelyne Del Billingslea

  • Substantial's been telling stories since early 2012. Here's one from the archives.

Ready to take over the media industry

Age: 36
Education: B.A. East Carolina University (ARRG!!)
Hometown: Washington NC
Marital Status: Married

SM: Who is Evelyne Billingslea? She is constantly evolving, but basically she is a quirky little ball of sunshine who enjoys helping others reach their full potential. Evelyne is the owner of Billingslea Media Group. Which is an online business that provides media-related coverage such as Copywriting, Marketing, PR, and Event Management. Their aim is to provide quality and affordable services for small businesses and nonprofits that typically don’t factor in very large marketing budgets.

Evelyne: I started Billingslea Media Group out of my passion for helping others. Because of my volunteer work, I was always meeting people in different industries who needed help creating more visibility for their causes, products, and services. I realized that there was a myth that PR, Marketing, and strategic Copywriting were only for large corporations. Every business regardless of the industry needs efficient marketing coverage for people to be fully aware of what they do. There are so many creative ways to achieve that nowadays, and I wanted to be able to provide those services to help their businesses grow.

SM: Do you find it harder being a female minority business owner?

Evelyne: Yes; It seems to be much harder to get your message across and be heard as a female minority business owner. I refuse to be cut-throat in business, and unfortunately, some people take your stance on morality in business and think that it is a sign of weakness. In the end, my work and my motivation behind what I do will speak for itself and prove to be successful.

SM: What is your take on success?

Evelyne: My grandmother always said, “Whether you decide to be a Physician or a Garbage man, you be the BEST Physician or the BEST Garbage man that the world has ever seen”. Success is truly defined by your own personal goals. Some of us have huge tangible goals, but others may have goals that are much more subdued. Whatever your goal may be, whether big or small, success is when you can sit back and see all of your hard work come to fruition.

SM: Tell us about some of your accomplishments.

Evelyne: Out of everything I’ve done in my life, my biggest accomplishment has to be seeing my kids smile and tell me they love me every single day. They are a huge support system, and sometimes my biggest cheerleaders. It beats any award or accolade I’ve ever received.

SM: If you could change one thing in this world what would it be?

Evelyne: I would love to see every child in this world receive proper education. Education and exploration of other ideals and cultures can open up an endless world of possibilities.

SM: What do you do for fun and what’s something you can’t live without?

Evelyne: Cooking and Dancing-sometimes simultaneously; I can’t live without – Coffee, Coffee, and more Coffee.

SM: Evelyne tell us why you are substantial?

Evelyne: I am substantial because I do things differently. My brain is constantly playing catch up with my heart and my passion, and it gives me such an intense craving to do more for myself and others. I don’t allow setbacks or shortcomings to limit me. I focus on my immediate goal and make it happen in my own way. I never allow outside forces to dictate to me how I operate in my business or professional life.

“Caring is Sharing”; Another one of my grandmother’s mottos. You don’t have to go over the top to show people you truly care for them. What you choose to share from your life’s purpose will speak volumes. I never know what I will accomplish next. At the ripe age of 36, I still feel like this is just the beginning for me.

SM: Keep up with our Substantial Man of the Issue at:

Twitter: @evebillingslea
Instagram: billingsleamedia

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