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Substantial Women of the Issue – Phelicia Price

Substantial Women of the Issue – Phelicia Price

  • Substantial's been telling stories since early 2012. Here's one from the archives.

Blessed, Genuine, Funny, eEngaging, Kindhearted, Motivated, Creative, Committed, Giving, Sensitive, Playful, Thoughtful, Inquisitive, and Loving

The introduction of Phelicia Price ‘Our Substantial Woman’

SM: Who is Ms. Phelicia Price?

Phelicia: Phelicia Price is blessed, genuine, funny, engaging, kindhearted, motivated, creative, committed, giving, sensitive, playful, thoughtful, inquisitive, and loving.

SM: How long have you been in your current profession?

Phelicia: I have been in my current profession as a fiscal officer for 4 years and an economics instructor for 3 years.

SM: Tell us about your current entrepreneur initiatives?

Phelicia: I am the Founder and CEO of PSP Image Consulting. Additionally, I am in charge of expansion for an internet marketing company.

SM: What made you start PSP Image Consulting and tell us a little about it?

Phelicia: When my previous employment ended, I began seeking employment opportunities in the banking industry. Although discontent with banking, that was the basis of my limited experience. As a graduate assistant in ECU’s Student Professional Development/Career Services Office, I often told students only 15% of Americans enjoyed their occupations. It became obvious I was applying to jobs to jump right back into the 85% bracket. After 18 months of rejection letters and emails, I had enough and decided to pursue other options. Rather than wait for someone to hire me, I decided to hire myself. Combining my love for fashion, networking, public speaking and working with students, PSP Image Consulting was born!

PSP Image Consulting is a firm committed to developing one’s inner and outer attributes. We partner with Career Centers from universities to community colleges to prepare students with the additional skills they need other than resume and interview skills. Although they are very important, if you send the wrong message non-verbally you have lost the game before you began to play. This is a new economy and our college graduates are, in many cases, competing with potential employees their parent’s age. Being prepared to be properly dressed, understanding verbal and nonverbal communication, diversity and multi-generational differences will be key to their ongoing success. This will also help make the onboarding process a bit smoother for both the employer and employee. PSP Image Consulting is dedicated to helping college and university graduates become true contenders in their chosen fields.

SM: As a professional networker, tell our audience the importance of proper networking.

Phelicia: Proper networking is a vital part of success, growth, and lifelong learning. No one truly successful made it to the top alone; it takes a village. Gaining exposure is a key element to networking, assuming you don’t want your business/product/opportunity to remain a secret! Each day we should strive to build our networking skills until it becomes a natural habit. Be certain you have something to offer, this is a mutual exchange, not a chance to see what you can get. Know what you can bring to the table and articulate that clearly. Exchanging contact information and building relationships with the individuals you come in contact with will help you continue expanding your network. Birds of a feather flock together and people love exchanging ideas with other like-minded people. I have a wonderfully diverse group of people in my contacts, many of whom I had the good fortune to meet through networking.

SM: Tell us about some accomplishments you’re most proud of.

Phelicia: I am most proud of taking an active interest in the last 10 years of my grandmother’s life. After graduating from ECU, most students are anxious to relocate and start a new chapter in their lives, but I knew I wanted to stay to take care of her. I have not regretted it. I am also proud of the successes I have had working in teams or in groups to make a difference for a common goal. For instance, as a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., I actively participate in one of our numerous scholarship fundraisers – Jabberwock. This is a program for school-aged girls giving them an opportunity to increase their self-awareness, develop and display presentation skills, raise money for scholarships, form new friendships, and be mentored by positive, professional African-American women. I participated in this program for several years and to see how these young ladies have developed and to know I played a small part in their continued success gives me a sense of purpose.

SM: Give us your perspective on success.

Phelicia: The barometer I use to measure success is truly the impact I have had on the lives of others. It is not about me; it is about helping someone else. I am a firm believer that helping others reach their goals and meet their needs, will
guarantee my needs are met.

SM: What motivates/inspires you?

Phelicia: My name motivates me. My name means happiness. I want everyone to be aware that true happiness is obtainable. It sounds so simplistic, and in essence, it really is. Unfortunately, we live in a time where everyone is looking outwardly for happiness, unaware that it lies within. From a very young age I became keenly aware we are only given one shot and I am motivated not to waste it.

SM: Do you have any mentors, if so who are they and why?

Phelicia: Yes, I have two mentors, Carmelitia Coleman-Agee and Sonya Barnes. Carmelitia (Coco) is my “sister” and a voice of reason in many aspects of my life. I appreciate and value her input for two reasons – 1) she has already been down many of the paths I am currently on and 2) she has known me since I was a teenager. It is hard for someone to really understand you and/or parts of your journey when they don’t really know you. Coco was there for my highs, as one of only two African-American females to graduate from ECU with a Master’s in Economics.

Then she was there for my lows, when I was unemployed, unfulfilled and uninspired for nearly two years. Understanding the importance of networking, reaching out, and not being afraid to go after what I wanted in life was a seed planted by my parents but Coco definitely nurtured that seed. Without that confidence, I would not have had the wherewithal to seek mentorship from Sonya Barnes. Sonya Barnes is CEO & Founder of Harris & Barnes Image Consultants. She is an innovative leader with nearly a decade in the image, style, and fashion industry.

Recently, Harris & Barnes launched a training division, the International Fashion Style Academy in Charlotte, NC. On three separate occasions, God beckoned me to contact Sonya. At the time, PSP Image Consulting was merely a dream and I couldn’t imagine anyone with her vast experience, taking the time to nurture my dream. I discovered how wrong I was when I attended my first Image Consulting Conference in Vancouver, Canada. I volunteered while there, met Sonya, and the rest is history.

These women are my mentors because they embody many of the characteristics I seek to increase and develop as I grow into all God has planned for my life.

SM: Are there any current projects that you are working on that you would like to share with us?

Phelicia: I am very excited to resurrect the blog I started a few years ago called StyleEcon. This was a play on Style Icon and my educational background in Economics. It was a weekly blog dedicated to dressing well for less and detailing the staple pieces in your closet that every man and woman should have to remain stylish and timeless. Substantial is the perfect platform for me to get back into my writing, connect with others, and hopefully inspire the fabulous readers of this awesome publication.

SM: Tell us one of Phelicia’s biggest likes and dislikes.

Phelicia: One of my biggest likes – Creating unforgettable memories and having peak life experiences One of my biggest dislikes – People attempting to live a positive life with a negative mindset.

SM: Anything else that you would like our readers to know about Phelicia?

Phelicia: I was born and raised in Charlotte, NC, an ECU alum with Bachelor’s degrees in Economics and Communications and a Master’s in Economics.

I Love Lucy is my favorite television show. I have an addiction to Walt Disney Feature Animation and musicals.

Cheese and bacon are good with everything and make life better.

Grandmothers make the best, best friends.

Girls with curly hair rock!

I actually do take the time to smell flowers and look at a beautiful sky; I think it is important.

Crying in the shower makes all the difference.

I have road rage and I am not working on it, I want people to learn how to drive. You should never pass up a chance to hear free music, period.

A quote from Zig Zigler I just heard that I love:

“People often say motivation doesn’t last. Neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

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